Tuina massage is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that focuses on the mind and body. It has been used for centuries to heal ailments from back pain, headache, joint problems or insomnia by rubbing pressure points along acupuncture channels with a series of techniques such as palm rolling, finger pressing and stretching.
Qi Gong, a practice of specific breathing techniques combined with movement and visualization in order to regulate one's body function is slowly gaining notoriety as it has been practiced by Chinese people for over 300 years. Qi Gong exercise can help relieve many symptoms such as pain, anxiety, stress and depression.
Chinese herbal medicine is a primary component of Traditional Chinses Medicine (TCM) and has been used in China for 5,000+ years. These herbs are natural products that include plant parts, minerals, or animal byproducts; they usually come with 8 to 20 other ingredients that help the specific condition out.
The ancient technique of cupping is an alternative treatment for pain relief. Cupping therapy involves placing glass or plastic cups on the skin and creating suction, which helps to draw blood from a specific area--either by pulling toxins out of the body or stimulating local circulation. This can be used as part of your recovery process after any injury because it provides temporary localized relief while promoting healing throughout other parts in your body too!
Moxibustion can be a form of medical treatment that is conducted by heating mugwort in order to increase the flow of blood and Qi within your body. The heat from this herb will release new energy into our bodies, strengthening them throughout their entire system! Moxibustions are often used on people who suffer with conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome because they help to strengthen the immune systems response so it's able to fight off illnesses more effectively.
Qi Gong, a practice of specific breathing techniques combined with movement and visualization in order to regulate one's body function is slowly gaining notoriety as it has been practiced by Chinese people for over 300 years. Qi Gong exercise can help relieve many symptoms such as pain, anxiety, stress and depression.